Sunday, January 2, 2011

From me, to you, with mixed emotions.

Dear friends,

Happy New Year! I hope y'all had a wonderful holiday.

Over the last couple of weeks, I've spent some time filling in at an office up in Northwest Austin, for which my sole role was to answer the phones, which didn't ring very often. Thus, I was left to my own devices for much of the day.

I've spent a lot of it in thought. I mean, what else was I going to do?

One of the things on my mind has been this blog. I haven't been posting much over the last few weeks. My life has been alternatively busy and boring, and so I've either not had time to write, or had little to write about.

It's only going to get worse this year.

Tomorrow I officially become a permanent employee at my job (no more temp. status!). In a couple of weeks, I'll start classes at Austin Community College, studying event planning. I've found a wonderful church, a fantastic small group, and a blossoming social life. I've also sent out a couple of emails regarding volunteering around the city, I recently opened an Etsy shop (which I've done nothing with since), and I'm on a strict four-day-a-week running schedule. Of course, I also can't forget that cuddly pup who gets very sad when I ignore her.

I love writing, and I love the outlet that having this blog provides me. It was a really good thing when I first moved to Austin; it gave me something to focus on when I didn't have anything else going on.

But the truth is, I can't do everything. And if forced to choose between a solitary, online endeavor and real life, I'll choose real life every time.

Thus, I will be shifting my focus away from this blog, and you won't be seeing new posts from me. It seems strange; I realize it's been less than two months since I went public, and it's starting to gain momentum, but, in many ways, so is my life. I didn't expect to settle so quickly in Austin, but my time in this city thus far has been an incredible testament to what can happen when you're exactly where you should be. I think I'm at a really interesting point in my life, and I'm excited to see how the next few years play out.

I won't go so far as to say that I'll never post here again. I might, but I'm not holding myself to it.

And maybe someday, when I sprout wings and gain superhuman powers making me capable of doing thirteen things at once, I'll be back. Or, you know, when things settle down (ha!).

Until then, my lovely blurkers, thanks for reading.


Carolyn (and Miss B)

Monday, December 27, 2010

From me to you, with apologies.

Dear Austin Public Library,

I know, I know. I had that book (Tender is the Night) for more than a month past its due date. I could have renewed, but I kept thinking I'd get in to return it and we'd be fine. Just fine.

But I didn't, and you sent me that lovely note to tell me that I owed you $35.25 for my "lost" book.

So I hopped on my bike and pedaled down to see you as fast as I could. After stopping at not one, but two gas stations along the way. And you were so kind as to only charge me $9.25 for the book. But there were all those other books I had out too...less overdue, but overdue nonetheless.

So, APL, I wrote you a hefty check and walked out with no books and a sad bank account.

But seriously. 25 cents a day? That's torture. We can't make the fines a little more bearable?

Please? With what I paid you today, I'm certain I ought to have some say in the matter.

Okay, maybe not. But just consider it.

Love always,


Sunday, December 26, 2010

Twinkle, twinkle, holiday tree...

I'm in a fantastic mood tonight.

Which resulted in me getting sushi from Whole Foods Market.

Which resulted in me eating too much.

Which resulted in me laying motionless on my bed watching movies and digesting.


I'm excited tonight, because I normally just tell y'all about the Austiny things I eat, which is interesting, but kind of repetitive, especially because I'm starting to find my faves, and that's really not something worth reporting on at all.

Though, on that topic: Earlier this week I had the absolute worst falafel I've ever had in my entire falafel-loving life at this terrible, over-priced Greek place in northwest Austin. It was salt in an open wound; I went in there hoping for a little taste of happiness while waiting for my tire to be replaced. Also, if you don't know what falafel is (ahem...Madre), click here.

Anyway, so, Christmas was yesterday. I was here in Austin, but I got skyped into my parents' living room to open presents, and, unfortunately, had to witness my dad doing a ridiculous dance. Then I made brunch for a fellow far-from-home friend, and then scooted off to spend a few hours at the home of some church friends. Then I fell asleep at quarter to nine because, despite being on vacation, I can't seem to sleep past 6:30am. It was a great day.

Today, however, was this:

Remember now, I haven't run in a while. A couple of weeks, or so, thanks to a sinus infection/allergies/whatever is making me all snotty and tired. I signed up for this race a while back because I knew I would be in Austin and hey, why not? So today, still a little stuffy, I strapped on my vibrams, bundled up (high of only 51 today!) and ventured out to Zilker Park.

Apparently I've gotten a little better since my first 5K, nearly a year ago along the Galveston Seawall. This is me, coming up to the finish line:

(via Lukey)
It was the first weekend of Mardi Gras, and yes, I'm wearing beads. And yes, I totally was passing that old lady for the win.

Anywho, I ran that race in 34:12. Not an amazing time, but I did it. All 3.1 miles. So take that, high school self.

Today, with KILLER hills flanking the start and finish, I ran 30:39.

I plowed through the first two miles in less than 20 minutes, but my pace fell apart as I climbed, climbed, climbed to the top of the last hill, and then attempted to restore normal breathing on the way back down.

I really wanted to finish it under 30 minutes, but alas, I'm a little more than a sneeze away. And my average pace was still under 10 minutes per mile (9:53!).

Next time I will conquer.

I forgot my camera AND my phone when I went out, so there are no pictures from the race. Afterwards, I sat around recovering until I started to get cold, then came home, warmed up, showered, and headed back out to Zilker Park. By then, the band was done playing and nearly everyone was gone.

But the tree was still lit up.

You're supposed to spin once you're under it like that. You get super dizzy. I wasn't feeling it. Too many small children running around.

But this is me rocking my race tee and giving the thumbs-up for the whole day:


Oh, P.S. I blew a seam on the pinky toe of my Vibrams (sad panda). But I think I might call the thrift-store experiment a success and consider replacing them with a new pair. I don't run in anything else anymore.

Oh, hey, my birthday's coming up....anybody? Anybody?

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Well, now, that was quite an adventure.

Remember Monday, when I ventured far, far away to the distant land known as Northwest Austin?

I did it again.

[this has nothing to do with anything, but it's pretty (via via)]
I'm filling in for a couple of days at an office up there, pretty close to where I got my hair cut.

Today I got the grand tour of the area.


I had a flat tire.

Which is now fixed, but I had to go to two different repair shops. Three, if you include the one who's parking lot I used while I figured out where the deuce I was trying to go.

Because I don't know Northwest Austin at all, you see.

And now my silly old car has a brand new tire, which is a bit like putting shiny chrome hubcaps on a rusty old lawnmower, but unfortunately a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

And this girl had to get to home.

To ask all you blog lurkers out there (blurkers?) a question:

So, that 1/2 marathon I was training for?

Well, I haven't run in a week and a half.

It's not my fault!!

As mentioned, I've been sick with allergies/sinus infection, which seems to be on it's way toward clearing up, but prevented me from, you know, breathing for a while. Thus, no running.

Except now I'm not sure what to do. I didn't progress like I should have last week, so when I get back on the trails I probably can go back to the level where I left off, but it'll still put me about two weeks behind where I should be, which makes for a projected training plan finish two weeks AFTER the race I intended to run.

No bueno.

Here's the question: should I suck it up and do it anyway? Or should I pick another race a little later in the spring to account for this and/or any other pending derailments? I need your advice, blurkers!!

P.S. I'm running the Zilker Holiday Tree 5K on Sunday. This, I'm not worried about. 3.1 miles? Meh, no big deal. :)